Tourist informations

Education, bookshop and library


The didactic proposal of the Jewish Museum of Bologna (MEB) offers a rich program of interactive meetings, preparatory classes, animations workshops for primary and secondary schools of the Region, interesting historic pathways for high schools and guided tours.

Educational activities are tailored to different orders and school levels and include an interactive participation of students and teachers; their aim is  to develop an engaging and stimulating approach to the history of a tradition and a culture that has for centuries been deeply rooted in the regional and national context, although it has maintained its strong identity.

Guided tours to Jewish museums and sites in Emilia Romagna, in Italy and abroad are also arranged.

Teachers can request advice on history education.


For information and reservations

Francesca Panozzo
e-mail: | tel 349 5480585


The Library sells exclusively texts concerning Judaism or works and essays by Jewish authors (currently 1800 titles). Its goal, in line with the historic-educational mission of the Museum, is to provide a  reference point  for scholars and enthusiasts of Jewish culture,  presenting a wide overview of  what is being published on this subject and gathering works of Jewish publishing houses or of small publishers, hardly ever to be found in normal libraries (115 publishing houses available).

Texts of literature , music and comics offer interesting and original starting points for those who want to approach the world of Judaism. 

Throughout the year, the Meb Library organises book launch events and Interviews  with authors, a Book Fair during the European Day of Jewish Culture and themed book lists for special anniversaries (Memorial Day).

The volumes of the Library are intentionally grouped in general sections for an easier consultation:

  • Biographies Memoirs
  • History
  • Bible Mystic Tradition
  • Philosophy Psychology Pedagogy
  • Anti-Semitism Shoah
  • Forni editions and Olschki editions
  • Identity Thought
  • Narrative Poetry
  • Children
  • Comics
  • Art
  • Kitchen
  • Music
  • Show
  • Tourism
  • Languages
  • Israel
  • Introduction to Judaism

For information


Tel.051 6569003



The Jewish Museum of Bologna has opened to the public its specialized library.

The library was set up thanks to major donations and purchases made by the Museum; its purpose is to preserve and promote Jewish heritage, to enhance its knowledge  in the community of scholars and, generally speaking, of all the Jewish culture enthusiasts.

Between 2012 and 2013 it was catalogued and made accessible to the public in the National Library System (SBN Sistema Bibliotecario Nazionale), in the OPAC of  the library center of Bologna(Polo bibliotecario bolognese), and in the national one; it was just by cataloguing, that it has been revealed how rare many of its elements are.

There are texts on ancient, modern and contemporary history; geography; religion and tradition; philosophy and psychology; social Sciences; literature and art; comics.

It also includes a children’s section; works of local historians who increased the knowledge of their territory; multimedia materials (movies and music CDs), important research tools such as the new edition of the Encyclopaedia Judaica or the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.

The Foundation’s current assets derive primarily from three main funds: the Canarutto fund, the fund of the Jewish Museum and the Heiman fund, to which should be added contributions.

A special mention should also be given to a small but valuable fund, recently donated by Professor Anna Grattarola.

Consultation by appointment only.

Disability Support Service to enable access to documentary material.

For information and appointments;


Tel.051 6569003


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